Sunday, April 18, 2010

Traveling Back in Time...

It is a great dream and fear to be booked on a canceled flight. However, I believe the traveler in me would take over if I were ever to be dropped in such a situation, especially if it turned out to extend my stay in some foreign land for a day or more. I feel for those who get trapped before they even left and contemplate if I myself would be caught up in dismay if I could not find an alternative route or if I might keep myself in stand-by mode while I find another adventure to fulfill a bit closer to home and port. Maybe indulge in a site or activity overlooked except in days gone by and times that were perhaps a bit slower paced. In this city alone I know of many things in which I have yet to partake, even taken a bit fore-granted, so many places to explore, so what holds me, and so many others, back? Various excuses, of course. By far, excuses too numerous to list here. But what if our world traveled back in time? What if our future traveled to a time in our past? A time with out air travel? "A world without planes?"

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