Monday, August 13, 2007

And the Countdown BEGINS!!!

With my plane ticket for Germany finally purchased, the arrival of all flight information, and the passing of the surgical removal of all four of my wisdom teeth this morning, I can actually commence with a countdown (although, some dates are still tentative):

1 Week - Arrive in Fairbanks, Alaska (for a 12-day, 11-night cruise-tour with my godmother, an aunt & uncle, and a group of St. Meinrad Alumni)
2 Weeks, 4 days - Return to Milwaukee to spend my last night & day in the States for the next year with some of my closet friends
2 Weeks, 5 days - Depart ORD for FRA: Frankfurt International (GERMANY!!!)
2 Weeks, 6 days (AM) - Arrive @ FRA
3 Weeks - Orientation @ Philipps-Universitรคt in Marburg
4 Weeks - Sprachkurs beginnt
5 Weeks, 5 days ~ 7 Weeks, 6 days - Oktoberfest
9 Weeks - Wintersemester beginnt
4 Months, 1 Week, 5 days - Weihnachten (Christmas)
7 Months ~ 7 Months, 1 Week, 4 days - Marquette University's Spring Break, complete with a visit from an amazing friend from MU, a trip to Ireland for a traditional St. Patrick's Day, & an Easter visit to Rome!!!

There are plenty of other travel plans that are in the making, but these are the most developed plans.

I can barely believe how fortunate I am! Thanks be to God and the amazing family & friends I am surrounded by! Hope to see you along my travels!