Thursday, March 22, 2007

Meinen Zweck

It came to my attention that my first post maybe should have served the purpose of my blog, or at least why I decided to start logging my thoughts, pictures, and life on the greatness known as the World-Wide Web. Since I did not do that to begin with, (if you have ever had computer problems, you understand my state of mind and elation when I reinstalled everything and had my laptop up & running) I decided that I would do so now. So here it is, meinen Zweck (my purpose)...
For those of you who do not already know, I will be studying abroad during the 2007-2008 academic year. I am emmensly excited and thrilled with the challenge I will be facing and want to share this experience with family, friends, and those interested in my endeavors. However, I also know that keeping everybody updated on a regulary basis can be very deficult (I know because I currently already try to do this via sporatic and often lengthy emails). To remedy this I decided to begin blogging with the intent that people will be able to catch-up as frequently as they would like between emails or other forms of communication. I am also able to post pictures for people to see, rather then sending them in bulky emails. So, in short, technology is once again a great thing (for now anyway)!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Unknown

So today has been a day filled with technology for me. After arriving "home" (aka McCormick Hall) from SB2K7, I dropped my stuff in my room and headed to the duty room to check my mailbox...low and behold, my new harddrive had arrived!!! Having been without my computer for about a month, I actually kissed the box, immediately opened the packaging, and switched out my harddrives. Today, I reloaded my operating system, drivers, and software, and now I am delving more into the technological advances we are so blessed to have access (Skype, Blogspot, etc.). As I type I am actually talking on Skype with an amazing friend who is a few thousand miles away, studying in Marburg (Germany). So for now technology is good, in fact it is Wunderbar!!!