Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Knock, Knock, Knocking on my Desktop!?!?

So it has been 5 months and 19 days since I returned to the U. S. and 6 months and 25 days since I had my last lecture in Germany, but I still find myself drawn to knocking on my desk top or the nearest hard surface at the end of a presentation or a guest lecture. Sometimes I catch myself as my curled hand gravitates towards the desktop. Other times I only notice when the rapping of my knuckles resound a much crisper applause than the multitude of polite clapping hands smattering their thanks/approval/appreciation/etc.

Just yesterday I caught myself knocking after a guest speaker's presentation, while the rest of the class clapped and it got me thinking. In university in Germany, it is common practice for the pupils to knock at the end of every lecture as a sign of respect. However in most of my lectures, many pupils carrying on full-blown conversations, send SMS messages to the universe, pass notes, and generally do not pay much attention to the professor and the professor just trudged on with the presentation. Here, however, if the disruption amongst the students reached even a fraction of that level, most of my professors would stop the lecture and reprimand the inattentive members before proceeding any further. And there is no knocking or clapping at the end of a typical lecture nor a bell, merely a collective, preemptive packing of book bags. So, with that, is knocking the equivalent of paying attention during lecture? Should they be cross-culturally synonymous?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So Help Me God.

Four simple words. Four very powerful words. Four words that admit weakness yet simultaneously exude strength. Four words that are not constitutionally included in the Presidential Oath of Office yet still traditionally thrive.
So help me (and our nation) God, for our future is bright only in His light.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Race Is On...

So the semester has begun and there is no doubt that it has started at a fast pace. It is an exciting time, yet filled with challenges...the economy is not easy to hide or ignore, especially not when studying four different aspects of economics this semester, actively looking for an internship and full-time-post-graduation position, and trying to generate funds and save for the last little stretch of my undergraduate degree. And that does not even factor in a full course load, (essentially) a 24/7 job, and all else that comes with striving for balance in ones life.
Good thing I love it all!!!! =)

Monday, January 5, 2009


So I am here...we are all safe...and keeping REALLY busy. Please check out the MUGBB blog for further details as I am writing it and do not have much time to write more than that at the moment. Peace & Love!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!! (Happy New Year!!)

So the New Year is two-days old now, and the busy-ness (& business) has begun!!!! In about an hour Marquette University's Global Business, Medical, and Water Brigades will be meeting to pack a school bus with supplied-filled suitcases and then depart for Milwaukee's Mitchell International Airport to begin our week-long missions in Honduras. Each brigades has put countless hours of effort into preparations for our trip. Regardless if it is a seasoned-veteran (MUGMB), a green-novice (MUGBB), or a rookie (MUGWB), our true test begins shortly and only the Lord knows what this trip will bring for those we are setting out to help and/or enable in hopes of a more prosperous and self-sufficient life. Only the Lord knows how those of us affiliated with Marquette and participating in this venture will be affected by our pending journey. If this trip is any indicator of how the next year will go, right now all I can think it is going to continue to be amazing, rather unpredictable, exciting, a bit nerve-racking, exhilerating, challenging, brimming with life, and busier than ever. All I can say is..."Bring it on!!!!" & "God has blessed me."