Sunday, September 9, 2007

Zwei Woche in Alaska und Ein Woche in Deutschland

So, to make it official, I am writing from my Studentenwohnheim (student residence) Zimmer (room) in Marburg, Germany! Today marks the beginning of my second week in Germany during which the real work (studying) shall begin. This past week has been filled with orientation activities and LOTS of paperwork! And there have been plenty of opportunities to socialize and figure out where everything is here (mainly the past few days).
Three weeks ago today, I was finalizing my packing for my trip to Alaska and the entire year to come as I would not be returning home between trips and arrived in our countries 49th State. To say the least, Alaska was GORGEOUS and I could definitely see myself returning someday.
I really hope to rough it a little more (camping, hiking, canoing/kayaking, etc.), as well as join in the local culture and take more time to travel the interior of Alaska the next time I am there. Alaska is wonderfully amazing and if you ever have the opportunity to visit, I doubt you will be disappointed (that is unless Denali-aka Mt. McKinley-does not show itself, which for at least 66% of visitors tends to be the case).
Today is my first day of our "Sprachkurs" (linguistics course). I am actually pretty excited for three-and-a-half-hours of German! The more practice I get, the better!
Well, I should really be off to bed now as the morning will come quickly & the bus waits for no one.
Bis nea
chtes mal!

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